I have big plans (BIG plans, I tell ya!) to
decluttify the house once the spring semester ends. That, and the spring cleaning that will include washing all of our white curtains, are the silver lining for me these days. I can’t wait. A few things on the to-do list:
- Install a new (higher) shelf in the closet so there’s room for stackable clothing.
Get rid of (craigslist? Recyclefree?) the two old tvs that are in the closet. - Take at least two bags of clothes to Salvation Army.
- Rummage around under the bed to throw stuff out.
- Invest in a good vacuum cleaner as Willow enters her shedding season.
- Change more light bulbs to energy savers. Do they make energy savers that will fit into mini-sconce sockets?
- Switch up a few of the photos on our wall of photos – I get bored with them so easily.
- Maybe get rid of one of the bookshelves in the front room – they’re old and Chris has been moving part of his library to work. I should probably sell a bunch more books as well.
- Locate and plant the plantable ornaments that my mother put in her Missouri-gift-baskets from Christmas.
- Thoughtfully consider how I got to this point in my life where I’m looking forward to spring cleaning.
- Finally, continue admiring this very cute paper clock (above), available at DecoyLab Design Studio, that would look great in the living room.
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