I spent the last 4 days out-of-town, at a conference, and I left Chris with the orders..."don't worry about the seedlings, they need to dry out a bit". Apparently they took a dive on the very last day. I was a sad seedling care-taker, when I found these little eggplant & spinach seedlings dead.

Spinach & Eggplant Seedlings 4/14/2010.
So, either the mold, or the lack of watering killed them. This means I'll have to pick up starters at the plant sale in May. The spinach seedlings weren't doing well before I left, but the eggplants had looked so healthy last week... Let's reminisce...

And as Mufasa teaches us about the circle of life...I can also report that today I found the first sign of a root vegetable. My first ever root vegetables, planted directly in soil, outside on the deck. Rock on.

First sign of Beet Seedlings 4/14/2010.