Mom in Italia, 6/18/10.
I've been remiss about posting photos from our last two weekends (garden photos are easy to pop up here). So, here are a few from the weekend when my mom visited. We took another venture on a scrapbook bus trip hosted by
Right at Home (in North Attleboro, MA), and spent the day riding around in neighboring states on scrapbook missions. I'm not sure where exactly we went (Mass., maybe CT?), damn did we cover a lot of ground. The time with mom was great, as it always is.

Chris & I drug mom all over the place - to some of our favorite spots and even to a new one. She cheered on Chris at his softball game (below) and watched movies with us late into the night. As far as visitors go, Mom is incredibly easy and I love that she can chill out in our Providence-pad.

