Long weekend in Northampton, and me with a brand new camera phone (all pics in this post!). A friend recommended the town, and I am grateful for it.
This fall Chris & I will have been together for 9 years, and I don't think we've been on a trip by ourselves since..since... uh. 2004? We're both happy to spend our vacations with our family and friends and wouldn't do it any other way. At the same time, the long weekend reminded me that we have to get away just the two of us, at least once in a while.

Northampton, 7/3/2010.

On Smith College's campus, 7/3/10.

Botanical Gardens at Smith College, 7/4/10.

Crazy succulents.

never ending greenhouses.


Kathy's Diner.


Off to fireworks in Springfield MA, 7/4/10.