Saturday, April 2, 2011

Setting Up Grow Lights

My grow light set up is far from slick.  I've got lights that are supposed to screw into a wall, with no proper attachment to my wire shelving unit.  I've used bungie chords to raise and lower the lights to the wire unit, but the hooks I've precariously rigged up, continually slip out.   One of these days I'll figure out a better way.
Since reading about winter sowing (on Get Busy Gardening), I have not bought seed starting trays this year.  Instead, take-out tupperware containers, and clear-lidded plastic containers, are my mini-green houses of choice. 

Upon assemblage, it was clear that two lights weren't going to cut it for my monstrous garden plans; so I picked up two more lights to expand the system.  When I got them home, I realized one was the wrong type of lamp, so it's on its way back to the store.  A third light, however, allows for a few more seedling trays.

This may be geeky, but with snow on the ground and spring frustratingly flirting only on Mondays through Fridays, planning the garden is a real mood lifter.  ...Even if there are only a few hours a week to spare...the plan is big this year.  We'll see how it goes.

Right now the garden will include 1) containers from last year, 2) Mini-garden #1 in the ground, and 3) raised lettuce and arugula beds in these drawers (above).  If there's time...I'll go for Mini-garden #2.