5/20/11 - Doesn't it look like she's playing dead? Here, Spicy is laying on her side, of all things. The first time I saw her do this was in the run and it seemed to be part of her dust bath. I had read about chickens flopping around in the dirt, taking dust baths, to clean off their feathers in places where they can't reach.
For a brief time when I was a kid, I had two chinchillas. They took dust baths in a silver/gray powder. They too flopped around like little tazmanian devils. So the first time Spicy laid down on her side, I rightly guessed this was a version of or part of the dust bath. In the rocks she doesn't flip around like she does when taking dust baths in the run, but I have to imagine she was sunning herself. Too cute. Within seconds she had popped back up on her feet and flitted off.