Last night I spent a few hours in the ER for a crazy-ass allergic reaction. I washed something into my tear duct (who knows what), which set off an allergic reaction, causing my eye to swell and part of my face to swell and go tingly. And when I felt it spreading through my sinuses & down my face (all within a couple of minutes), I requested a ride to the ER (thank you Jason!). Chris ordered a cab & met me there. I had the pleasure of having my first i.v. and they knocked me out with
prednizone &
benadryl. I had a great idea to take home some of the tubes (left behind after they
detach the solutions) for a craft project or something. Maybe for irrigation for the house plants? Chris said the hospital probably don't allow you to take home medical waste. Swelling reduced, I slept for an hour or so, and 3 1/2 - 4 hours later we landed back at home. We never figured out what caused the reaction and today I felt fine -- well enough to teach. Thus ends the latest installment in "Amy's ridiculous adventures with her absurdly sensitive body."
(pic: from my crappy cell phone).
oh no! glad you are feeling better!
You better get an epi-pen for the house! And stock up on Benadryl.
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