I stumbled on to
the Through the Viewfinder Flickr group a while back and have since been mesmirized by these these images...Today I tried the process myself (my photo is at the bottom).
First two are not my photos, but I thought I'd share some of my favorites from the Flickr group:
Whisper, by

The mustard pic was taken by
littlehonda. Another favorite:
Here's my first attempt at the whole TtV process (Hasselblad on bottom, Canon to take the photo). Love it.
I like the grass pic. Very dreamy. I'm not sure about your pic. The colors are oversaturated or something and the bottom half seems too empty. I know you're trying to achieve some kind of effect there, but I don't know if you've captured it.
I'm guessing you mean "over-exposed" (too bright in the center), instead of oversaturated (heightened colors). Yeah, when I took the next shot a few days later, I framed the pic a bit better.
Getting the technical "through the viewfinder"-process is what I was going for actually....which means taking a digital camera and using it to photograph the viewfinder of the old Hasselblad (not shooting the hasselblad or photographing the armory with the digital camera direction, if that makes any sense). The process picks up the scratches and grooves on the viewfinder that don't show up when you shoot photos with the hasselblad directly.
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