Photos, it seems, should be shared. If a family member, for example, wants a copy of your group shot from the last wedding, or of that shiny beer can you artfully captured, many photo sites will allow your family members to order their own copy for the mantle. Unfortunately, my photos are all over the place on lots of different photo sites.
I have batches on my Flickr page, as well as in a private account that I use as an archives for the day that Vista eats all of my photo files. Flickr allows you to share an actual digital file with others (via the dowload option, when viewing the photo), if you choose. But ordering prints is more complicated for outsiders.
For years, Kodakgallery was my main go-to, because friends & family can easily order prints, while you control who sees what. But, the quality of Kodak prints varies. Yes, even though it's Kodak. Furthermore, the site only allows certain operating systems to use their "download the photo" option.
...And this little cutie I picked up at an Antique shop, for which I have plans to hack into a Polaroid that uses 120 film. Wish me luck.