Do you know who Tommy Cash is? Well it's Johnny Cash's brother, of course. Tommy Cash had a ton of top 100 hits over the years, and he performed at Siesta Bay, where my parents have a place in FL. He played a number of his brother's hits--and sounded eerily like his brother--as well as a few of his own. "16 Horses" was one of his own (1969 hit) that he performed (
youtube video here).

There's nothing odd about Tommy Cash, per se. But when we saw Tommy Cash, who sounded eerily like Johnny Cash, it made us feel like we were in a time warp. Then Tommy invited up a guy named Tugboat Jerry up on stage, to sing a song. That was really odd. I'll let his website speak for my experience of the whole thing:
Tugboat Jerry's website (self designed?). Then I came down with a flu and puked like I hadn't puked in years. Then a few days later we went to a "Siesta" in the community where my parents have the place. Chris declared "I feel like I'm in a Salvador Dali painting". A hundred or so people just sitting in lawn chairs, in the freezing cold, congregating for hot dogs and beer, and 50s music.

Anyway, it was all good, very fun. But some of it, odd. Bingo was grea