Spinach Seedlings, 3/28/10.
7 Days ago exactly, I planted these spinach seeds, and already they're making an appearance. Last year I lost most of my seedlings. This year...grow lights (more to come).

And we planted our last batch of seeds on Saturday (3/27). I picked up this tray of 50 seedling pellets at Benny's about a month ago. Drop 1-2 seeds into the center of each pellet and add warm water. The pellets grow in size (held together by mini mesh bags), and seedlings should spout out of the top.

Rows (L-R): Hot Peppers (1), Lettuce Mix (2-4), Red Tomatoes (5), Striped Green Zebra Tomatoes (6), German Red Strawberry Tomatoes (7-8), Basil (9), and Marigolds (10). These are all seeds I saved and dried from last year's garden, except for the Lettuce (from Mike) and Marigolds (from Eliz).