Last year, I grew very few plants from seed (peas & cilantro, which are planted directly into the soil outside, and only 1 cauliflower & 1 pepper survived my indoor seed start). This year, I'm planting more seeds to improve my chances of success! I picked up two seed trays--this small one (above) packed with 25 seed-starting soil pellets and another that has 75 slots/pellets. I'm saving that one for two weeks from now, when I'll plant everything else. And maybe buy a grow lamp, since my sunny window isn't as sunny as I'd like.
Pellets exploding, 3/21/10.
Just add water to the pellet, and upon contact, the pellets explode into seed starting soil. These reminded me of the "snakes" we used to light on July 4th while camping in Missouri. Ahhh, good old days. Drop in a seed or two, cover with soil, set them by the window (if it's a very sunny window), and cover them with plastic wrap.