Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Heavenly Vacation

Yesterday morning, Chris and I were pool-side, reveling in the Floridian sun. We came back early this morning to sleet. Damn the winter in Rhode Island! Ah, but we love you still...
View from Cuarto Ln. (Taken 1/2/09)
Dramas galore were on our shoulders these last few months and this trip was a true relief. The days were bright and sunny--a perfect setting for quality time (which is always hysterical & fun) with my parents. I have a video of them singing "I'm proud to be an American" on the karaoke machine we gave them for Christmas, but I need to save it for future occasions of blackmail.
Southern view over the pond. (Taken 1/2/09)
When I was younger, vacations needed to involve lots of noise (in college), and planning or 'being entertained'. I'm not that old, but I am proudly admit that vacations now, for us, are attempts to find relief, peace, and relaxation. This place is perfect. And in the interest of my mental health and the happiness of my parents (they beem when they're in Florida), I hope we have many more visits with them on sweet sweet Cuarto lane.
Chris & his morning coffee on the porch, our first full day.
(Taken 1/2/09)
South-facing on Cuarto (Taken 1/2/09)

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