Saturday, June 13, 2009

Garden on the Deck: The Death our Lime Basil

Not counting Cat's ripping up of the leeks, this sad Lime Basil is the first plant to up and die in the garden. It smelled amazing while it was around...and maybe it was finished and I simply hadn't picked and used its leaves. The plant on the left is the lime basil. This was its starting-to-wilt phase and now all the leaves have fallen off and it looks terrible. The other three (Thai basil, Lemon basil, and Red Basil) are doing great. The sweet basil (in a different pot) is doing better than all of them. This morning, we topped our spinach & goat cheese French omelettes (spinach was from the garden) with the sweet basil. Mmmm.

Note: I was reading Eggs on Sunday this morning (such a great food blog) and I saw that her first CSA share came in. Then I realized we pick up our first (ever!) CSA share on Monday. Exciting!