On the phone last night, my father said, "I don't like beets." "When is the last time you had beets?" I asked. He admitted..."maybe 20 years ago". I wonder if he ate pickled beets, or beets out of a can. I would bet money that if he tried the beets we've been eating lately (from our CSA Farm Share), he would change his mind. Not what I expected either. These are delicious.

Roasted Beets & Goat Cheese Salad, taken 7/25/09.
Last week I mentioned that, in addition to making
Red Velvet Beet Cupcakes, I had also roasted beets (following the
Joy of Cooking recipe). Here's a belated photo of what has since become a repeated recipe for us. I may try something else this week, with our new bunch of beets. I'm thinking I might try shredding them with carrots, in potato-pancake fashion (like