Sunday, February 1, 2009

Crazy Generous

These past two weeks I have seen a striking amount of generosity from the people around me. Elizabeth, who coordinates Street Sights, has welcomed me onto the staff and been generous with opportunities to help me find my fit. And the kind of work that I've been doing is the kind I would love to do for the rest of my life. I couldn't be happier or more excited about it. She's been a gift.

The people who I have met in the past few weeks, at Street Sights, at Tent City, at St. John's, and at the Coalition, are continually giving their possessions, food, time, and mental focus, to the people around them. I have repeatedly had homeless individuals sharing and giving me food, offering full meals, and offering chairs to sit or time to chat. Everyone I have met has been talented and kind. Not people who have talents but hoard them, trying to figure out how to make the most money possible with their skills, but people who are good at something or have something to give, simply give of themselves. I keep running into people who are not trying to change the world or appear socially progressive, but people giving out of impulse and fighting to improve the concrete conditions of their neighbors' lives. And across the board, the people who I have met in the last two weeks have been some of the least self-involved people I've met since in Providence.

On top of this, the friends we have here, and in some cases, people I barely know, couldn't have been more supportive and generous about our move to a new apartment. Chris' colleagues, and many of our friends, offered to help move boxes or heavy furniture and even help with packing (after driving up from Newport!). We were offered a break with extra tickets to a basketball game, a wonderful friend (also my new yoga partner) made food for us while our kitchen is packed up, and the well-wishes have been non-stop.

To be honest, I've found these last few weeks overwhelming because of the generosity I've seen and received. This kindness is the inspiring kind and it changes your day-to-day lives. Out of nowhere, overwhelming, and drawing forth gratitude. Thank you.

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