Friday, February 13, 2009

Skylight & Musings about Friends

Skylight, 2/5/09.

This week, especially, after having a relaxing (lovely) dinner with Ben & Saida on Wednesday, I'm reminded of the fact that spending time with friends can actually be a mini-vacation from the stresses of the everyday. Good friends tend to speak your language (so that not everything out of your mouth requires qualification or tiptoeing). They tend to be people who laugh when they actually think something is funny, smile when they mean it, and treat you like an adult if there's a problem. And good friends let you sound off, or can sound off to you about their lives, without regretting it later.

I haven't seen Danielle in over a year, but I know we'll pick up this weekend right where we left off, without any pretenses. Given the daily (minor, but exhausting) dramas that have been stalking both Chris & I, as of late, I'm looking forward to a break--where I get to catch up with an old friend and neither Chris nor I have to meet anyone's expectations.