Thursday, April 23, 2009

Recipe Rursday: Southwestern Egg Salad

This is a quick & easy egg salad that only needs a little tweaking, in my mind. The original recipe is from WeightWatchers (thus the low-fat mayo), but there's nothing particularly weight-watchy about it, if you use regular mayo. I loved having chili peppers in the egg salad, but keep in mind, not everyone loves tangy peppers. The photo above looks like the salad is heavy on mayo/dressing, but actually I just needed to strain the salsa and chili peppers a bit more--doing so will thicken up the dish.

Southwestern Egg Salad
6 hard-boiled eggs (I used 4 whole & 2 whites only)
chives, chopped
1/3 can (small can) chili peppers, rinsed & chopped
cilantro, minced
1/2 small red pepper, chopped
1/4 C. mayo (low-fat, or regular)
1 Tbsp salsa
Pinch or two of ground cumin (go light)
Salt & Pepper to taste

1. Hard boil the eggs. There's such a debate about this! What works for us: in a pot, barely cover the eggs with water, bring to a boil with the lid on. Remove lid & low simmer for 12 minutes. Run under cold water to cool, roll on a cutting board, & de-shell under cold running water.

2. Mash eggs & add all of the other ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Perfect in a tortilla.

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