Thursday, August 27, 2009

CSA Recipe Week (4 of 5): Chickpea Stew

I'm using this CSA Recipe Week to post all the recipes that I skipped over these last few months, from laziness or because my new job involves so much work on the computer (all day!) that I can't bare to look at the blog on a week-day evening. Not complaining, just explaining.

Back in July, we made this Chickpea Stew, partially to use up the remaining garlic scapes from our CSA. It's amazing to think that I had never even seen a garlic scape or eaten a beet prior to this summer. I had to look them up to see what people do with them. Turns out I love them both. Chris & I love chickpeas, so this was an easy stew to throw together.

Chickpea Stew: Sautee garlic (or garlic scapes), onions, & mushrooms, add canned (whole) tomatoes, chickpeas, and salt & pepper. Simmer for a 1/2 hour or longer, and serve.