Monday, August 24, 2009

CSA Recipe Week (2 of 5): Beans & Veggies with Quinoa

We've started to buy quinoa (what is Quinoa?) at our local Whole Foods because, if you can believe it, buying quinoa at Whole Foods (in the bulk containers) saves money. Boxes of quinoa in the regular grocery store tend to cost much more.

This dish was something that Chris threw together late in the week.
Beans & Veggies with Quinoa: Prepare the quinoa based on your box instructions, or use online guidelines for cooking time. Chris prepared his black beans + sofrito (a homemade family recipe) and added sauteed mushrooms, chard from the CSA (chopped, with stems removed), and chopped roasted red peppers. The results, a hearty, but not too heavy, feast.