Friday, August 7, 2009

Street Sights Wins Awards

Street Sights, Rhode Island's street paper published by and for the homeless community and their allies, has received a national award at NASNA's (the North American Street Newspaper Association) conference last month, in Colorado.  

I volunteer at Street Sights as their grant writer and have witnessed drastic changes in the organization this year.  A new, recurring 'Speak Out' session has formed and we're running our first annual Journalism Training Program for staff and community members, at the end of this month. 

But, for a shocking visual of how far Street Sights has come since its early days, I'd encourage you to take a look at the images of the first issue our first issue (a newsletter) compared to a recent issue (12-pages of color newsprint!) recently posted on the NASNA blog. The difference between the two publications is astounding. The text is from our application and describes some of the changes that have taken place over the years at Street Sights. Congratulations to the staff!

The most recent, August issue of Street Sights is available for download as a pdf, on the Archives Page.